About Padma Pyramid
At Padma Pyramid, we believe that everyone deserves chance to travel further on the path of spirituality and purify their soul. However, many people are unaware of various methods and rituals that our Jain Religion has provided. For that reason, we have launched schemes with the target of achieving three main goals.
Firstly, we aim to spread the ancient knowledge of Dhyan or Meditation. There are four types of meditations which we teach, namely Pindastha Dhyan, Padastha Dhyan, Roopastha Dhyan, Roopatit Dhyan. Taking into account the different preferences of different people, these separate styles of meditations enable meditators to choose between them and practice the style which suits them most.
In our second program, we intend to guide people along the rituals of Mantra (Chanting) and Pujan (Worship), ensuring that the methods we teach are pure and pious.
Last is our goal to spread pure spiritual knowledge among the people, allowing them to enlighten their minds and uplift their souls. This knowledge is essential as it behaves as a foundation for all of one’s future endeavors.